How do I find a Group ID in the web interface?

Sometimes when you are using a gallery iFrame, you might need a quick way of locating a group ID. Groups can be accessed via API at endpoint through the browser:

  • It helps :+1:
  • It doesn’t help :-1:

0 voters

How do I pass authentication credentials (i.e. a pub_key parameter) to the /groups endpoint?

Calling the endpoint on its own, as this article suggests, returns a 401 unauthorized.

Hi @Mark_Datta,

We disabled this web interface of the REST API for security reasons. You should use cURL or any other HTTP client to execute requests to REST API. For example, you can run this command in the terminal app to get a list of your groups

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Uploadcare.Simple your_public_key:your_private_key'